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Picosure Laser Tattoo Removal

From  $150

If you are ready to say goodbye to old ink, now is your chance to permanently remove it!


What’s it for


Tattoo Removal



How it works

Regardless what your reason may be to remove unwanted ink, PicoSure is the only tattoo removing device equipped with a revolutionary picoseconds laser and has been confirmed by many as the best tattoo removal machine on the market. It uses PressureWave technology which completely shatters the underlying tattoo ink into microscopic particles that can be easily metabolized by our body.. Unlike other tattoo removal technologies where the extreme heat produced from the laser can cause burns in the area, PicoSure is safe for all skin types without causing permanent damage.



Booking a free consultation is required prior to your first PicoSure Tattoo Removal treatment (can be booked on the same day).

Package prices available during our free consultations.



PicoSure is the only tattoo removing device equipped with a revolutionary picoseconds laser and has been confirmed by many as the best tattoo removal making on the market. It uses PressureWave technology which completely shatters the underlying tattoo ink into microscopic particles that can be easily metabolized by our body.

If this is your first time getting tattoo removal done at The Clinica, our skin specialists will start the process with a free consultation to properly assess your tattoo and give you accurate pricing based on the size of your tattoo. Here, they’re also able to give you an estimate of the amount of sessions you need in order for the tattoo to be completely removed or to your desired outcome. During the tattoo removal process, our technicians will numb the area of the tattoos for about 20 minutes to minimize the discomfort. You will also be given protective eyewear to use during each session. Then, the technician will guide the PicoSure laser over the tattoo which is a very fast process! Following the treatment, an ice pack will be applied to soothe the area and the tattoo will be covered with a bandage and antibiotic cream.

After each treatment session, you’re advised to minimize your exposure to the sun and are encouraged to wear a sunscreen of at least SPF30. This is because of the mechanism behind the laser tattoo removal. Typically, the skin cells protect against the sun’s harmful radiation by producing melanin which helps protect the skin. Since the tattoo removal technology targets melanin to remove excess pigment, treated skin will be more vulnerable to the sun’s damage. Regardless, you should always be wearing sunscreen!

Most patients require at least six to ten treatments, but your tattoo should become noticeably lighter with each appointment. You’ll have to wait six to eight weeks between treatments to allow your skin time to heal.

Results will vary from patient to patient.

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Picosure Laser Tattoo Removal

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