Sculptra Treatment
What’s it for
Volume loss
How it works
Sculptra is the liquid facelift as there’s no downtime and surgery required to naturally lift and sculpt your face! It also treats fine lines and wrinkles as this gel-like substance contains poly-L-lactic acid to help replenish lost facial collagen. Sculptra is also a great treatment for fine lines and wrinkles and as well as those sunken areas and deep folds that often appear alongside jowls.
A Sculptra patient would need between two to four treatments depending on the desired results and the skin. These results also last up to three years.
Why Sculptra
01No downtime required
02Long lasting
Before & After
It takes about 6-8 weeks until you start seeing results, however, the best results are seen shortly after you received your second treatment, and it will last up to 3 years.
Sculptra stimulates collagen production within the skin instead of simply adding volume or fullness to your skin like fillers do. Sculptra also contains a gel-like substance called poly-L-lactic acid and dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid.
Sculptra is a great treatment for those sunken areas and deep folds that often appear alongside jowls. It’s also great for anyone looking to also address fine lines and wrinkles and to rejuvenate and improve on the skin’s overall appearance.
Sculptra is a FDA and Health Canada approved treatment and it is safe to inject. It requires no downtime as it’s a very minimally invasive procedure. You can expect some bruising and swelling from the injections as well as some discomfort during the procedure.