Picosure Laser Treatment
PicoSure is designed to use gentle heat to activate the body’s natural immune response to remove unwanted pigmentation.
What’s it for

Tattoo Removal

How it works
PicoSure is the only picosecond laser able to safely and effectively treat pigmented lesions, acne scars, and wrinkles with virtually no downtime. The unique treatment will help you achieve a brighter complexion without the typical discomfort of the other fractional and ablative lasers. Certain proteins are released with this laser treatment that causes nearby cells to stimulate and produce more collagen and elastin. Meanwhile, the picosecond technology breaks down pigments into sand-like particles that can easily be metabolized by our skin.
Why PicoSure
01 Pigmentation & scarring removal
02Tattoo removal
03Minimal downtime

Before & After

Picosure is the most versatile and short-pulsed laser in the world, allowing it to treat a wide variety of pigment conditions such as acne scarring and wrinkles. PicoSure achieves great results with minimal pain, redness and downtime.
PicoSure’s ultrafast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage surrounding the skin and less risk of injury. Most people experience very little discomfort and describe it as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band. If you’re getting PicoSure for tattoo removal, these treatments use more energy and the patient may experience more discomfort. We offer numbing or other aids to minimize discomfort.
Procedure time completely depends on the size of the area that is being treated. That being said, 10 minutes is common for average sized tattoo and skin revitalization treatments.
The sun exposes the skin to harmful radiation. To protect itself, the body produces extra melanin, causing the skin to tan. Since PicoSure targets melanin to remove excess pigment, a heavy tan may interfere with the treatment. After laser treatments for tattoos and unwanted pigment, the skin is more vulnerable to sunlight. This being said, the sun exposure and constant application of sunscreen of SPF30+ is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.
The number of treatments for unwanted pigmentation will vary depending on the condition being treated and how each individual responds. However, a minimum of 3 treatments will be required. For tattoo removal, the size, location and density of the ink play an important role in determining how quickly the results can be achieved. 4-10 treatments is common for modern tattoos. Your skin specialist will be able to evaluate and provide you with a personalized plan. The number of treatments for skin revitalization is largely dependent on the clinical condition being addressed.
Tattoo removal and acne scar results are permanent. Skin revitalization treatments are long lasting, but some pigment conditions can be recurrent. SPF must be worn daily to minimize risk. Some patients find that a PicoSure maintenance treatment every six months can help prevent accumulation of pigment and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.
PicoSure is designed with safety in mind and incidents of scarring are very rare. Tattoo removal treatments require more energy and some patients may experience hyperpigmentation (a lightening in skin color of the treated area), but this is usually temporary and normal skin is typically restored once healing is complete.
Recovery times are dependent on the condition being treated and each patient’s ability to heal. Your skin may feel a bit dry a few days post-treatment. Avoid any acid-based serums to speed up the recovery. Results can typically be seen after 3 weeks. Typical treatment intervals are 3-4 weeks for pigmented lesions and 6-8 weeks for tattoo removal. Treatments for acne scarring and wrinkles can be performed every 3-4 weeks. Your skin specialist will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

